判明しているウナギの生活環の初期 - DAH 2-5

そして報告先は Nature で
Oceanic biology: spawning of eels near a seamount.
その手法について。まず、ウナギをとる方法。以下のように、0-500m の海中へネットを投げ込んで捕獲。

Leptocephali were collected in single oblique tows (0-500 m deep) of a large ring net (3 m in diameter) with 0.5 mm mesh, that was fished at 64 stations during the KH-05-1 cruise of the R/V Hakuho Maru from 31 May ? 12 June 2005.

ウナギの形態は不明であるので、その実態については real-time PCR 法でゲノム情報からウナギであると "on board" 船上で判断。

Some pre-leptocephali were identified as A. japonica on board by real-time polymerase chain reactions; this identification was later confirmed by DNA sequencing of additional specimens.


Daily growth rings of calcium mineralization in 'ear stones' known as otoliths showed that the eels had hatched 2 to 5 days previously, indicating that spawning had occurred about 4 days before the new moon.